Helping Protect
The Life of Your Investment
WARRANTY iCRco - Excerpt from Terms and Conditions:
iCRco warrants that each Product, including iCRco software, will be free from
defects in materials and workmanship and will operate in material respects in
accordance with applicable specifications and manuals provided by iCRco. iCRco
makes no other warranties, except warranty of title and no other warranties are
iCRco neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other
obligation or liability in connection with any Product provided by it.
SUPPORT - Post-Warranty Period (Additional option to choose from):
SUPPORT Contract provides on-site service.
No stress, no worries, no hidden costs
SUPPORT contract cost per year is 10% of the standard retail price to the end-user and is intended for the post-warranty period.
SUPPORT contract may be concluded for a total period of use up to 5 years fromthe date of purchase (Warranty+Support = 5 years).
SUPPORT contract per year includes:
All replacement parts, INCLUDING THE X-RAY TUBE
All relevant online or on-site services
All software updates and upgrades
All travel and travel expenses
Extension or modification of the SUPPORT contract period - Ask us!